Power of the commission

The commission shall have power to:


  1. formulate and provide guidelines for Government agencies and other employers and providers of service and socio-economic amenities;
  1. monitor compliance with the guidelines and formulae at Federal, State, local governments and Zonal levels in the employment and provision of socio-economic amenities;
  1. enforce compliance with guidelines and formulae in areas of the provision of employment opportunities, distribution of infrastructural facilities, socio-economic amenities and other indices;
  1. compel boards of directors of Government-owned companies and other enterprises, which are subject to the provisions of this Act, to comply with the guidelines and formulae on ownership structure, employment and distribution of their products;
  1. demand and receive returns on employment and socio-economic indices from any enterprise or body corporate and penalize any enterprise which does not comply with a request from the Commission;
  1. undertake the recruitment and training of staff of government agencies or departments where desirable;
  1. institute investigation into any matter relating to any institution or organization which is subject to the provision of this Act and if the institution or organization concerned fails to cooperate with the commission, the institution or organization shall be required to bear the cost of such investigation; and
  1. do anything which in the opinion of the Commission is incidental to its functions under this Act.


For the purposes of subsection (1) of this section, the Commission shall have power to take such legal action including the prosecution of any person, whether corporate or unincorporated who, being obliged to comply with the provisions of this Act, fails to do so.

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